Yule 2012

Yule Gifts for your self

This Yule give your self the gift of love, peace, harmony and increased happiness. Take some time for your self during this yule season and meditate on an abundance of love, peace, and harmony in your life. Being stressed is normal during the yule season but it does not have to be normal for you. Take time and remember that you are a soul with a body and as such you deserve peace, and harmony in your life. Insist in having a state of inner peace and harmony no matter how stressful the activity around you.  Take the time to mediate each day to focus on building on the core of inner peace and harmony with in you.  Create a phrase or a word that can return you to that sense of inner peace and harmony when things get hectic or you begin to feel that your inner peace is slipping away. What we feel within is what we send out into the energy around us. If you have cultivated a strong  reserve of inner peace and harmony  that is what will flow from you and that is what will flavor the energy around you. It may not make the Grinchs and Scrooges love you but it will insulate you from their negativity. If you are interacting with your tf or significant other while you prepare for your evening out do not just prepare your physical appearance, also prepare your inner appearance. Your sense of inner peace, harmony and love will make the energy between you enjoyable and filled with a sense of peace that can go a long ways to making for a pleasant evening or encounter even in a stressful setting.  Remember love, peace, harmony and increased happiness starts with you no one can give you these things. They can be shared but they must exist within you first.

Yule Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~


Commitment to your Path




Commitment to a idea or a choice may seem redundant. Obviously you must be committed to your soul path and to manifesting your twin soul relationship after all you have done affirmations and other spiritual work. You have even thought about it numerous time. Probably you have done several things on the physical to assure that things move forward. Have you verbalized that Commitment? Have you spoken it out loud? If you have not then verbalize it. Commitment to  your soul path and the desire for oneness verbalized, spoken out loud gives a solid feeling to the spiritual work that you have been doing. The same is true when you make a verbal commitment to manifesting your twin soul union into the physical.  It is adding to the reality of the spiritual work that you are doing. Do make the commitment to your soul union, make the commitment to having the life that your soul  has planned for you in this reality. Do not buy into the idea that you have come this far only to not be able to have the spiritual union manifest into the physical.  Your verbal commitment is also  helpful in solidifying in your own mind the desired out come for the work you have done.. Many of you do the work but still do not believe that what you are working for will happen. If you do not believe that it will happen then it is less likely to occur. The energy of your belief combined with the spiritual work and the verbal commitment to your belief give your desires energy to manifest. This is not meant to be announced to the world this is meant to work with your mind creating a reference point where mind, body and soul are working towards the same out come. if you do the work and still have doubts you are allowing your mind to hinder your ability to bring into the physical what you desire.