Peace and Harmony Yule 2013

Wishing you Peace and Harmony this winter solstice
Yule Comments & Graphics Peace and Harmony

~Magickal Graphics~

Yule is a time of traditions but it is also a time of personal renewal. It is a time to find your peace and your harmony. I know that the yule season for many is a time of rushing, parties, gatherings it is and should be a time of family and friends. But do not forget what makes you a welcome yule guest in the homes of friends and family. Bring something extra to the yule holiday season this year. Bring your inner peace and harmony. It is the best gift your can give your self and those around you. Take the time to renew your inner peace and harmony. This means taking a few moments for your self to find your true self and renew your relationship with your true self. This renewal brings its’ own sense of inner peace and harmony. No matter how busy your schedule this yule holiday take time for your self. The 1/2 hour that you devote to your self and renewing your connection and awareness to your higher self/true self will go a long ways in helping you keep your inner harmony and peace no matter what is occurring around you.  If you are part of a twin flame union or part of a family remember that you can influence the energy around you. Would you prefer a harmonious, peaceful gathering, dinner or party, or one filled with stress and angst. This yule be the example of what this season is about. If you would like your family or your twin flame to be more relaxed and to take time and enjoy the season then set the example energetically and physically for them.  Everyone will benefit from renewing their personal connection with their higher mind/true self. It will help give a better perspective of the yule season and give you time to give your self the best gift of all inner peace, harmony and the clarity of a solid relationship with your true self. I wish you all a blessed Yule with love, peace, harmony and joy the gift you give your self this season and into the new year.

Samhain 2013-Releasing the Old way of Thinking

Samhain Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Samhain has many activities that you can do to enjoy the season. Look back over your year, honor your ancestors,get together with family and friends. But there is one activity that we can all practice on Samhain and that is releasing the old. The old thought process that holds you in old patterns and reactions. I bet you have changed a lot during the year you have grown spiritually and made huge strides in understanding your inner being. You have begun to accept that you are the key to your own happiness. You are understanding that the twin flame/twin soul relationship is about more than meeting someone and starting a physical relationship. You are making progress in bringing your true self forward and understanding how to communicate with your twin soul to keep the relationship moving in a positive direction. Bravo I am proud of you and the progress you are making. But wait the negative thoughts pop up and you do not instantly release them you allow them to lead you into a negative reaction or response. Well Samhain is a time for releasing the old so let see if there is a way to release old thought patterns or at least transform them to positive responses. When I was a little girl my mother use to say if you can not say something nice do not say anything at all. Well I have applied that in a way to thoughts. If you do not have a positive thought about the situation, person etc. then do not indulge in any thoughts on the matter at all.That will take a bit of practice but Samhain is as good a time as any to begin. Try this:”Every thought I am now thinking is a reminder to my conscious mind to transform negativity to positive which fills my mind with the wisdom and awareness that flows from my higher mind now”. This should help to train your mind to positive thoughts so that you begin seeing more positive results in your life. It is easy to undo personal hard work with just a few negative thoughts. Wishing you a blessed Samhain.

Lady Dyanna  a Spiritual Life Coach, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Relationship Counselor

Emotional Healing and Protection Litha 2013

Litha a time for emotional healing and protection

As Litha/Summer Solstice approach I am reminded that it is a time that in the past was used to do healing, and protection for family and those things important to the well being of the family. As this Litha approach I would suggest that we look to emotional healing  and protection on a personal level . Healing feelings and emotions is as important as healing the physical body. I have noticed that in twin flame relationships the emotions and feeling take quite a beating as the couple  attempts to work out their relationship. That beating  is not just from the misunderstanding and mis directions that the couple endure with each other it seems that family and friends are all to willing to contribute.  This Litha celebrate the turning of the season with a bit of emotional healing and protection for your self. Start with the awareness that a twin soul relationship stem from one soul being divided into it’s male and female components and instead of working together energetically as is normal they must work through two individual physical forms. When those forms deny their oneness the emotional struggle begins. This Litha try to see the oneness in spite of everything. Try for a renewal of your relationship on the spiritual level where the souls are one and no harsh or hurtful things have been said or done. You may use meditation to reach that place, first invite your true self to join you and renew your aquaintance with her/him when you are satisfied with your communication with your true self ask if there is an irrepariable breach in the union between her/him and their other half.  Invite the other half to join you in meditation, witness that union, that connection between the two halves of the soul. From that grasp what your physical union will look and feel like. Ask them both for help with the emotional healing that must take place within you.  As you understand that on the spiritual level there is no seperation between the souls, it is only in the mind that they are seperated and in that the emotional upheaval take place, you will begin the your emotional healing. Now before you leave meditation ask for the key to protect that awareness. When dealing with your twin flame in the physical it is always acceptable to reach out to his/her true self and let them know that you remember there is no seperation. Remeber what we hold in our minds as true we create in our physical reality. So take this Litha, the longest day in the year and change your reality. The emotional healing reminds you that there is one soul two physical forms, the souls are never angry or unhappy with each other. That would be much like you being angry with half of your body. When you do something that cause you an issues you do not remain angry with yourself hopefully. You forgive your self and work with the issue. When you deal with your Twin flame it is much the same as working with your self.


Litha Comments & Graphics

Magickal Graphics

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year to all my readers.

“The New Year, like an Infant Heir to the whole world, was waited for, with welcomes, presents, and rejoicings.”
–  Charles Dickens, The Chimes

What will you do with this New Year? Will you carry last years issues, concerns doubts and unhappiness forward with you? Will you give yourself and those you care about a new opportunity? That means you do not compare actions in the present with the past. You do not use the taint of events from the past to color the present. Give your self a chance to start fresh give the ones you love the same chance. In the spiritual world many changes occur long before they are viewed in the physical. Take time to ask your inner being if there is work in progress within you that need more nurturing. Is there work in progress in your significant other or TF that also needs more time and nurturing before the change can be seen in the physical. Take this time and look within. Remember when we plant a seed it takes a while for it to sprout and even longer for it to bear fruit. It is also true in spiritual work and no matter how impatient you are, like the seed it will mature and bear fruit only when it is the right time.  This New Year why not make a resolution to be patient with your self  to nurture your inner being and to bring him/her forward into the physical as often as you can. Remember that you are a spiritual being in a physical world. Take time to ask your inner being what that really mean for you and your significant other or TF and how does that change the way you handle life from moment to moment. Let this new year bring forth your spiritual self, explore how that aspect of you flourish and prosper.  Your New Years resolution to be a spiritual being in a physical world allows you to release past events and live in the moment. It is what makes being a spiritual being  in a physical world so special.

Miscellaneous New Year Comments

Magickal Graphics