Yule 2014

Yule 2014 Greetings and Blessing to all
Yule Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~
“So the shortest day came, and the year died,
And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world
Came people singing, dancing,
To drive the dark away.
They lighted candles in the winter trees;
They hung their homes with evergreen;
They burned beseeching fires all night long
To keep the year alive,
And when the new year’s sunshine blazed awake
They shouted, reveling.
Through all the frosty ages you can hear them
Echoing behind us – Listen!!
All the long echoes sing the same delight,
This shortest day,
As promise wakens in the sleeping land:
They carol, fest, give thanks,
And dearly love their friends,
And hope for peace.
And so do we, here, now,
This year and every year.
Welcome Yule!!”
– Susan Cooper, The Shortest Day

“The holly and the ivy, when they were both full grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood, the holly bears the crown. . .

I am the Holly King, Lord of the Waning Year. You may know me as the Green Man or as the Winter King. I rule from Midsummer to Midwinter, and my reign culminates in the festivities of Yuletide. As the wren dies to make way for the robin, soon I will bow before my brother the Oak King. You will not see me again until the Sun once more begins to wane. As I prepare to withdraw into the deep midwinter, I contemplate the glowing light of the reborn Sun in my cup — and in this holy grail, I see visions and dreams of the year to come.
Carry a sprig of holly with you as my token. It will protect you against fierce winter storms, and will bestow upon you the focus, direction and courage you need to succeed in your own spiritual quest.
Fill your homes with holly this season! Deck the halls! My evergreen leaves and bright red berries, seen against the barren oaks of winter, will remind you of the Life that sustains us during the bitterest time of the year.”
–   The Holly King

Commitment to your Path II

Your Commitment to your Path requires your mind, body, and soul to succeed

commitment to a path


I spoke of commitment to your path in a previous post. I said speak your commitment, say it out loud. However I need to add more to that information. Feel your commitment. Feel the Commitment to your Path in your heart and in your mind. Just saying it and even taking the steps is not enough.  You need to feel it in your heart and think it in your daily actions. If you commit to a path but keep looking back at what you had, or what you did, you make it very difficult to move forward on the path you have committed to. It is like a person walking backwards, they are liable to stumble and fall many times because their head[mind] is not in what they are doing. Looking backwards means you can not see the way forward. If you can not see the way forward then you can not  fully commit to the path you are on because you really can not see it unfolding in front of you, this causes doubt and fear to keep popping up.  Your verbal commitment to your path should help solidify that path in your mind and keep you focused. However if you do the verbal and still look back at the past with longing then you are not fully committed to your path. If you are not fully committed to your path even a path with little to no bumps will be difficult. A spiritual journey without full commitment to the path that you are on will be more than difficult.  It will be filled with doubts, fears, and desires to backtrack to safety, each of these things slow the progress for you. Slow progress make you doubt yourself and what you have chosen to do. This is pain and anguish that you can avoid by commitment to your path with your mind, soul and body all working together.  Just as these need to be aligned for your life to be it’s most fulfilling they need to be aligned for you to progress on any path you have chosen.

Litha Blessings 2014

Litha Comments & Graphics
Magickal Graphics

Litha/Summer Solstice
On this day the Sun God is seen at his highest point in the sky, vibrant and strong. Together with the pregnant Mother Goddess he rules the summer season. However, this is also a time of transition, for now the Sun will begin its yearly descent and the days grow shorter until the Winter solstice. The Druids viewed this day as the wedding of Heaven and Earth, Alban Heruin. The Moon of this month was known as “The Honey Moon” in testimonial to the honey mead that was drank at the wedding celebrations so common to this time of year. It is interesting to note that the old calendars had summer beginning on May 1st and ending on Lammas, August 1st.
The joyous rituals of Litha celebrate the verdant Earth in high summer, abundance, fertility, and all the riches of Nature in full bloom. This is a great time of strong magic and empowerment, traditionally the time for handfasting or weddings and for communication with the spirits of Nature.
Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one’s breath.
–Eve Glicksman

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year,  wishing every one a blessed and Prosperous 2014

Miscellaneous New Year Comments
Magickal Graphics
This New Year if you make no other Resolution think about resolving to be aware of your thoughts. Your thoughts create your world. Make sure that your New Years Resolution include paying attention to your thoughts about your self, your life, your abilities, your thoughts should only be ones that you do not mind sharing your world with. If your have made resolutions in the past and have not kept them that is not the end of the world. However if you are planning to make resolutions this New Year of 2014, give them some thought as to how doable are they really. We all have big things we would like to accomplish and that is great, just like every journey begins with one step, accomplishing great things begin with one step. If your resolution is to lose weight, find love, resolve the issue that keep you and your twin flame apart, then start with one small step. First set a goal that you can accomplish in a short period of time. Lose 5 lbs in 2 months, find love; date those people that you feel a connection to, or you have things in common with, she or he may be very attractive but if you have nothing to talk about, no common ground to connect on. you are probably not going to fall in love with each other. Resolving issue that come between you and your twin flame this year, look for ways to communicate either physically or soul to soul, begin there, no recrimination, or harboring negative feelings about past issues make these your first steps, both of which is easily accomplished with a bit of positive thought and focus on your and his/her true self during meditation or quiet contemplation. Small step to being the New Year will lead to accomplishment that can Help you make your resolutions work and keep you positive as you achieve big thins in 2014.