Twin Flame Relationships are spiritual based unions

Did you know that the basic of a twin flame relationship is usually spiritual and karmic. It is the continuation of a relationship begun long before the physical bodies existed. The awareness of your twin flame often time comes before the “emotional love”. But we have been programmed to look for the physical and the emotional connections in a person before we seek the “true” connection. If you are basing your twin flame experience on a human love experience, compatible personalities and astrology or other outer indications, it is important to know that these point more to soul mate relationships than to twin flame relationships.  Such indicators do provide proof of compatibility but they do not confirm the depth of the soul connection that indicates a twin flame relationship. Sometimes the difference in the physical lives of twin flames automatically cause the minds to shut out the possibility of there ever being a “love relationship”. These differences can be age, race, religion, or even that the partners are involved in other relationships. If the souls can achieve their work without the “love” relationship then they will. However I have noticed more and more that  is not the case.

The issue are more that one person has a “fixed” idea of their perfect match on the physical level and is unwilling to seek beneath that for a partner that is their perfect match on a soul level. Hence they meet their twin flame and enjoy a brief time where everything between them click. The souls recognize each other and reach out to each other but the bodies after that period of blissful compatibility begin trying to force the relationship to conform to “requirements that they use to make soul mate relationships work. This usually cause much discomfort and a pulling away on the physical. It is helpful to understand that the things that we need to prop up a physical relationship between soul mate is not “necessary” in a twin flame relationship. As the connection between the souls cover those needs on an intense internal level. The problem is that we are so accustomed to other types of relationships that we ignore the sense of well being and forge ahead trying to force the relationship to fit an “accepted” pattern in our minds.

Hold up before you pick up that cell phone

A twin soul relationship is a sacred one, which contrary to “belief” has very little to do with the physical.
What I mean by that is that even though twin souls inhabit physical bodies, the relationship is one between the souls and that is the souls or inner beings guiding their physical bodies. It’s never about the physical.
Your relationship with your inner being is a spiritual one. Therefore, your inner being is guiding your every move. For those who have a twin soul, the soul always calls the shots because if the bodies let go of their inner beings’ reins, so to speak, body’s out there on there own making some fumbling, bumbling electric boogaloo moves at that point.
Here’s one scenario, body minus the soul goes off to text her twin soul, because she “picked up” on something that informed her to text her other half. But body didn’t check-in with her inner being to confirm it was coming from her inner being. No, it was a not so subtle “external” voice telling her to go ahead. Body stepped out of her inner being’s energy to grab her cell phone and text her twin soul, only to be greeted by a moody twit whose off-key response wasn’t his soul’s.
Truth is twin souls don’t do anything without the guidance of their soul, because it means that not only is moody twit being slapped and tickled by the nearby chaos at that point, it also means his nearest and dearest isn’t in the control seat. Both bodies have leapt to the forefront leaving their inner beings at home stomping their feet and clicking their fingers to usher bumbling bodies to get back to their seats.
Twin souls always operate in the spiritual 24/7 365. The preferred communications always take place on the spiritual and psychic planes. Even when you are married and settled with your twin soul, the communications are still on a soul-to-soul level. Meaning even though you are sitting down next to your twin soul and having a polite conversation with him in the physical, the deeper and more meaningful conversation is taking place on the spiritual, often simultaneously. Physical communications are just an add-on, if it were.
So rule of thumb, if you want pleasant communications between you and your twin soul, make sure your inner being is guiding that conversation otherwise when bumbling bodies minus the soul come together, all the bodies are capable of at that point is a game of bumper cars, quite literally. A collision that the souls are looking on in shame. It’s like wearing L-plates for eternity when the bodies attempt to take charge of the relationship that belongs to their inner beings.
In a twin soul relationship, it’s a bit like following “The Green Cross Code” when it comes to communications. For those not familiar with The Green Cross Code, it’s taught in schools in the UK to raise awareness of road safety. It goes like this:
1. First find the safest place to cross
2. Stop just before you get to the kerb
3. Look all around for traffic and listen
4. If traffic is coming, let it pass
5. When it is safe, go straight across the road, do not run
The same rules can be applied to communications with your twin soul in the physical. “The Twin Soul Cross Code” goes a little something like this:
1. First check the “urge” to call your twin soul is coming from your inner being
2. Stop just before you pick up your cell phone
3. Look towards your inner being and listen
4. If your inner being is not giving you the nudge, let it pass
5. If your inner being confirms to send a text to your twin soul, pick up your cell phone and text, remember be in the here and now

Rosalyn Medea is a journalist, spiritual life coach, intuitive reader and all-round creative warrior

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Transformation: Imbolc 2016

Imbolc/Candlemas Comments

Magickal Graphics

Transformation in keeping with the Season

Imbolc is a time of transformation, How would you like to transform your life? If you want to change something start with a manageable part of the change. Desire to change, move from a true desire to transform a situation in our life to taking action. What are the steps necessary to begin the transformation? Commit to the change you desire. Visualize how your life will be different with that change. Now Commit to the first step you need to take for that transformation to take place. Now you are on your way to creating a change in your life that you desire. If you should lose your momentum then return to the first steps again do that as often as you need. But understand that change does not happen over night. The butterfly must go through some unpleasant stages before it becomes the amazing creature we see. If you are in an area with lots of snow then you know how long the transformation from winter to spring seems. All I am saying is give your self some time to see the results of your commitment.

Still need help with the process? Some encouragement, a bit of guidance? Then look for a spiritual or holistic life coach to help you keep your momentum. Either will be able to guide you and encourage you when you feel overwhelmed or just don’t see the progress you believe should be manifesting.