Monthly Relationship Energy – January 2020 – by Lady Dyanna

Monthly Relationship Energy – January 2020 – by Lady Dyanna

Monthly Relationship Energy – January 2020 – by Lady Dyanna

The story of a relationship may change over time as you come to recognize and accept your role in the dynamic. Be brave and acknowledge your mistakes but also the remarkable work you have done to learn from them and heal your past. Reframing what happened can help you move forward with greater wisdom and strength. If you are seeking a relationship think about the story you have written about why you haven’t yet found the partnership you yearn for, have you focused only on your shortcomings or challenges and forgotten your strengths and all that you have one right? Now is the time to reconsider your story so you can write the best one for you.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading