Podcast: Your Spiritual Journey and Your Twin Soul Relationship

This is the podcast with Lady Dyanna for October 11th

Looking at Your Spiritual Journey and your Twin Soul relationship with Lady Dyanna

Podcast: Your Spiritual Journey and Your Twin Soul Relationship

This is the podcast with Lady Dyanna for Sept. 28th

Looking at Your Spiritual Journey and your Twin Soul relationship with Lady Dyanna

How is Your Relationship

Your Relationship

How is your relationship working? Are you uncertain of where your relationship is going? Who do you use to check the integrity of your relationship? Do you look at your friends and family and compare your relationship to theirs? What if you have a twin flame relationship? Can you compare it to that of your friends and family? Probably not if you have a twin flame relationship then believe it or not your relationship is fairly unique. Are you trying to force it to fit the mold of every relationship around you? You may find that try as you will you can not force your relationship to fit into a traditional mold. What do you do to make it work as it should? Any of these questions familiar? Send your questions in and have them answered here or in a private e-mail.
Ask Lady Dyanna

Podcast: Your Spiritual Journey and Your Twin Soul Relationship

This is the podcast with Lady Dyanna for Sept 20th

Looking at Your Spiritual Journey and your Twin Soul relationship with Lady Dyanna

Podcast: Your Spiritual Journey and Your Twin Soul Relationship

This is the podcast with Lady Dyanna

Looking at Your Spiritual Journey and your Twin Soul relationship with Lady Dyanna