Excerpts from: Forever: Twin Flames and Twin Souls by Lady Dyanna

Excerpts from: Forever: Twin Flames and Twin Souls by Lady Dyanna


Another thing that will need to happen — which may be difficult at first — is to take a good look at yourself and what you are bringing to the relationship. This list of props that you normally use to access a relationship will need to be discarded. Maybe your phone isn’t ringing off the hook every day but you still talk to each other. The conversation may not be filled with pithy emotions, but what is important is how you feel when the conversation is done… Your soul will let you know what will work in the conversation and how quickly to proceed.
Normally, this conversation with our soul is like a discussion that you would have with your best friend. It is
more productive, however, to converse with your soul and be prepared to act on those “gut feelings” that you receive. They are the Soul’s intuitive mechanism working for you.
The quality of the interaction in a soul relationship is more important than the quantity of the interaction. You have been accustomed to being overwhelmed by the ordinary lover’s attentiveness. Attentiveness was used as an indication of their level of interest,
right? If so, then why didn’t it continue throughout the relationship? The Soul’s connections and attention are continuous, but to have that level of connection on a physical level could be very overwhelming and difficult to maintain.
This process would be releasing all the things that do not belong to The Souls in this relationship. It would
require wiping your slate of expectation of how a relationship should work. You must learn how two souls work together, how they communicate and what this specific relationship needs. The most important need that The Souls have is to love each other. Within that love is the power necessary to overcome all things.
What makes this relationship special is that the changes that take place are “inner changes” that are reflected in the physical. The Souls don’t require a complete physical makeover or all new clothing to impress your partner, just the bringing forward of your true self.

Excerpts from: Forever: Twin Flames and Twin Souls by Lady Dyanna

Excerpts from: Forever: Twin Flames and Twin Souls by Lady Dyanna

Who or What is the Soul?

In the previous chapter, I have spoken of The Soul and the Ego. Let’s take a brief look at who and what The Soul is.
The soul is a piece of universal or cosmic energy that has been shaped by the Divine Will to serve as the connection between humanity and the Divine. The Soul in and of itself is divine. The Soul is the piece of the divine that exists within all mankind, thus making all of humanity spiritual
beings. It is Divine Consciousness. The Soul has been called by many names throughout mans’ development:
The God/Goddess Self, The God-Mind, Divine Mind, Universal Spirit, Spiritual Mind, Universal Soul — and these are just a small number of the names that the Soul has.

The Soul that you are part of has existed many lifetimes, and now it is manifesting physically through you. It brings with it not only the connection to everything that ever was and will be, but it also brings the gift of Divine Love. That is what you and your Twin Soul have felt and shared. It is in and of itself a powerful force. It is a force that restores balance in our lives and in the world around us. It is no wonder that there are so many conflicting theories about Twin Soul relationships. They are relationships between Souls. When they [The Soul’s relationship] manifest physically, they have the ability to bring positive change to all that they touch.
The Soul is the ultimate source of information, guidance, and love. It is your key to seeing the world without illusion or confusion. It is the element that is necessary to be in control of your life and your destiny.
The Soul does not interfere with your free will. It actually allows you to use your free will whenever you want — and like an indulgent parent, it cleans up the messes that your free will leave behind. Alternatively, also like a stricter parent, the Soul may allow you to experience the consequences of your actions. Either way, The Soul awaits your decision whether to use its vast resources to achieve “forever”, or continue to rely on other sources.




Here I will give you information on Meditating as well as the first affirmations to use to begin your journey to “forever”.
Meditating is a means of focusing your thoughts. When you first start to meditate, do not try to stop the thoughts. Let them come until they stop on their own. The harder you fight them to stop them the more persistent they will be. As they come you should dismiss them without analyzing or even focusing on them. It may surprise you as to how many thoughts come before the mind is quiet…
A Simple Method of Meditation to Get You Started
If you have practiced meditation before, then use the method with which you are comfortable. If you have never practiced Meditation before: Select a time of day and a place when you can be alone and undisturbed for at least half an hour Wear loose comfortable clothing and sit in an upright position with your back and spine as straight as possible,
either at a table or desk. On the table place a single white candle in a holder. Before lighting the candle, mentally imagine yourself surrounded by a pure white protective light or aura. Now proceed with the steps below:
For approximately 10 minutes, no need to time yourself, look intently into the burning candle flame. The candle needs to be at least one foot away from your head. The concentration of your visual gaze will steady your mind, help focus it, and quiet your daily thoughts. After 10 minutes, close your eyes concentrate on the after-image of the candle flame it will be in the area of your third eye [middle of your forehead], this image will fade out after a few minutes. The most important part of this exercise is that you have moved from an outer focus to an inner focus. Using this method prepares you for the inner focus that is necessary to connect with your soul.
There are many images that may occur once the after-image from the candle is gone. Like the thoughts, let them come until they stop.
Affirmative Meditation
To practice affirmative meditation you have simply to quiet yourself and relax using the technique above. Now start your affirmations:

Affirmation One
“My mind is now relaxed into a quiet meditative state
that allows only my soul
who is a being of Universal Love and Universal Truth
to come forward and communicate with me.
Now, in accordance with my will and desire,
I am one with my soul
physically, spiritually, consciously,
subconsciously, emotionally
and mentally.”

Affirmation Two
“Now, in accordance with my will and desire,
all blocks, obstacles, limitations, connections, controls,
influences and interferences to my oneness
with my soul is removed physically,
spiritually and mentally.”

Affirmation Three
“Now, in accordance with the will and desire of my soul,
all blocks, obstacles, limitations,
connections, controls, influence,
and interference around,
 the relationship with my soul partner
is removed and the relationship
is moving forward physically,
spiritually, and emotionally,
simultaneously without a struggle.”
If you have it [love],
you don’t need to have anything else.
If you don’t have it,
it doesn’t matter much what else you do have.
– Sir James M. Barrie

Excerpts from: Forever: Twin Flames and Twin Souls by Lady Dyanna

Excerpts from: Forever: Twin Flames and Twin Souls by Lady Dyanna

How to Recognize “Forever” and Make it Work

“Forever” begins with The Souls and continues with The Souls. If you doubt that forever is possible, then you have missed seeing a couple who are celebrating their 60th anniversary and are as in love as when they said: “I do”. Forever is not an idealistic journey where there is never an
argument or a disagreement. It has all those things, even horror stories about the difficulties encountered by the couple in the process of trying to come together. Many of the horror stories can be attributed to not recognizing the relationship for what it is and trying to force it into the pattern of previous relationships — even though those old relationships didn’t work out. Twin Soul relationships also entail triumph when that love is finally realized. The Journey to forever can be a difficult one.
It will require you to make some changes: changes in what you believe is possible, changes in what you believe you are capable of achieving, and changes in how you access and live your life. The funny thing about he road to forever is that it requires a revolution in your life many times. It may change who you think you are and show you a brand new exciting person with all kinds of new abilities and new perceptions. To get to this point, you must first accept the fact that the relationship that is causing this shift is different from any relationship you have ever had. It is also very likely to be different from your friends and your parents’ relationships as well.
My students often ask me, “Is my Twin Soul aware of how this relationship is different from all others? Is it affecting them the same way it’s
affecting me?” The answer is: Yes, they are aware of the difference and they are often frightened by the intensity of the feelings coming from you as well as their own intense feelings. This is one of the times when the ego steps in and says, “STOP”. It is here that many find the road to forever becoming very, very bumpy. It is at this point when your partner may do something to push you away.
It is very confusing to have someone who has declared their undying affection for you suddenly stop calling and start avoiding you altogether. This may occur within three weeks, three months or anywhere in the relationship. When the Physical Body’s fear-based emotions mix with the Ego in addition to other peoples’ perceptions of what constitutes a relationship, it will push The Souls aside.
The expectations of one party are that things should continue as they were when The Souls were in place, but that does not happen because Ego does not see the relationship with the same eyes that Soul does. We also tend to bring others’ opinions into the relationship. Unfortunately, they don’t always give good advice that will bring the relationship to fruition.
So what do you do? You still love this person and you can’t stop thinking about them and wanting to spend time with them. Your friends and your family have told you to move on; you are too good for someone to treat you like that — and many of your loved ones have decided they do not like your partner any longer. Despite all the encouragement to move on and meet someone new, you are still thinking of your Twin Soul and trying to sort out what went wrong.
Now your friends start to frown when you mention your Twin Soul. They accuse you of obsessing, which is very unhealthy. What they don’t know is that your soul is maintaining the connection between The Souls. It’s important to know that as you become more spiritually sensitive, you will also become acutely aware of the other person — even when you have not spoken in weeks. No amount of trying to put it behind you is working.
There is another force at work here: it is the force that understands forever. It is not a state of mind or a physical state; it is a state of Soul. So, you think, “Okay, this resembles me and my situation. What do I do about it? Because all the advice I have gotten so far has not changed my feelings for this person. If what I felt wasn’t real wouldn’t it have gone away by now? After all, I have been in other relationships and when they ended I was able to move on. So what’s different here?”
What is different is that in the past, you have experienced “soul mate” relationships. These are journeys with others that walk the same path as your soul for a time. When the path splits to go separate ways, there is a time of missing that person — or, in some cases, a sigh of relief that the person has moved on. The relationship you are now experiencing is called a Twin Soul/Twin Flame relationship. It is One Soul that exists in two different bodies. Your Souls are seeking a reunion to continue the “forever” that began when they first separated into two bodies.
So, what do you do with this information? Try to explain it to your friends and they will think you have really lost it and are just making up excuses for your obsession. Perhaps I can help you understand the steps along the journey to forever. It does require work with a part of your being that up until now you rarely thought about.
You must now figure out how to work with your soul to achieve the relationship that you both really want. And, if truth be told, your ex-partner wants this too. If the relationship is rocky, it’s apparent your partner is currently too controlled by Ego to go about fixing it with you.
When your Twin Soul retreats, chances are Ego has convinced your partner that the differences between you are so glaring — from “looks to friends to lack of common interests, etc.” — that there’s just too big a gap and it will never work. At times like these, friends and family are probably busy bolstering your partner’s ego, and leaving The Soul and heart out of the decision making.
Your Twin Soul relationship worked for a while before Ego reasserted itself and before family or friends told you what you should be doing in the relationship. It worked. And it worked really well, in fact: You both were happy and very much in love.
Unfortunately, when Ego forces The Souls aside to take control again, it needs someone to tell it how to deal with this unique relationship. Ego has limited capacity for love or for anything that requires deep commitment. It then starts to demand the relationship take on the characteristics of an ordinary physical relationship, often demanding tangible proof of love.
Ego is not happy with the happiness and the emotional satisfaction of being together. This usually starts the arguments because one partner feels
unnecessarily pressured and the other feels that if physical proof of affection is not shown, then by the “normal” standards it means they are not loved. What happens now is that the soul-based relationship is being derailed because Ego and outside influence has stepped in and taken control of a situation they know nothing about.
As a counselor looking at a Twin Soul relationship in this predicament from the outside, it almost looks like deliberate sabotage. What you had when things were good was much deeper than the ordinary relationships most people experience, and you would like to experience it again —without the painful side, of course. How do you accomplish that?
Especially since you and your Twin Soul may not even be speaking to each other at the moment.
To pursue this relationship with the intense soul connection intact, you must first acknowledge that your Twin Soul relationship is different from all the others you have had. Now you can and should start to handle it differently. First, the main person in this relationship is not your ego. It isn’t even your bodies, but your Souls.
It is the connection between The Souls that will put the relationship back on track. Now it is time for you to cultivate a personal relationship with your own soul. Think of it this way: You have an acquaintance that is good friends with someone you want to get to know, so you are going to need a bit of third party assistance here. Who better than the person that knows them best? That’s right, you talk to your partner’s Soul.
Most people perceive their souls as a weak, small part of their lives. In truth, the physical being is just a small part of the soul. We have spent a great part of our lives allowing Ego to direct our lives, but inTwin Soul relationships, Ego is definitely out of its league.
Ego is a pseudo guidance system created by our interaction with family, friends, teachers and all of those people who have expectations for our lives. Ego does not become a problem in our lives until it no longer cares what those people who have expectations of us think. It starts to run amok and then we get branded ‘egotistical’. It is at this stage in the journey to finding forever that you will find Ego getting in the way a lot because it compares this relationship to all the others you have had and to all the ones around it. Quite frankly, because your soul-based relationship is not acting at all like those ordinary ones, Ego will insist that it be dismissed. It is time for the first change, and that is the switching of who guides you through this relationship.
Ego must be replaced with your Soul who can then introduce you to the subtle connections and ways of communicating with your Souls’ partner. As you proceed to see the relationship through Soul’s eyes, you will also realize that the rest of you could use a bit of an overhaul as well.

Through your soul work, you will learn that you have a lot more control over your life than you thought. Positive thinking can change things for you and open doors that you did not know existed.
Learning to work with your Soul will require you to take some time out to direct your attention to the connection between you and your Soul; to bring the Soul from the back of your life where you have shoved it to the front — where it belongs. Making this connection and getting to know your Soul may be accomplished through the use of meditation and/or affirmations. You may now be wondering how is this going to help you get your Twin Soul relationship back on track. Well, remember The Souls always have a connection and an awareness of each other. They strive to maintain a balance with each other just as they maintain a connection with each other. As you and your Soul connect and remove Ego from having a key part in the relationship, this will also start to occur in the other body/soul connection as well.
The change will not occur overnight. It will take continuous attention to developing the spiritual connection between you and your Soul. Through this attention to your Soul, you can advance to the next level: Allowing the Soul to direct your actions both on a physical and spiritual level when interacting with your partner.
There are two reasons why this is possible. First, The Souls have been together for many lifetimes, so they are aware of what works with each other. Second, they are always connected, so the knowledge of when and how to do something for the optimum effect is being shared by The Souls all the time. Working with your soul, you have an inside intuitive track on what it will take to move things forward.

Forever:Twin Flames and Twin Souls

Relationship Energy-October 10, 2017-The Lovers

Relationship Energy-October 10, 2017-The Lovers

The energy of the Lovers is about Love, and Choice. If you are just meeting someone this card indicate that you need to look closely at all aspect of your union.You may find some difference that could threaten the smooth sailing of the relationship. It is now that you need to choose whether these differences are things that you can live with after the first bloom of romance began to mature.
If you choose to be with this person despite the differences you will find that the relationship is special. It will evolve into a relationship that always feel new. The energy of this union denote a spiritual and psychic connnection between you. The love that you have continue to grow with time becoming deeper stronger and more committed. This is a relationship that is meant to be. That is the positive side of the energy around this card.
The down side of this energy is that the love that you have for your partner will attract meddling and jealousy. Meddling may come from a family member, friend, or coworker.It could be because they want what you have or they truly only see the differences that you will have to deal with in the relationship and do not believe your love will be strong enough to deal with it. On the other hand this energy may attract ex lovers who wonder what is so special about the person you are with that makes you happy in a way that they did not.
This cards energy is about choices so once you have chosen it is wise to understand that love is not a game. Your choices will affect your partner and when your partner is hurt by something that you do you too will feel the hurt. With the energy of this card once you have chosen love you have gained the ultimate prize.You and your partner together are the balanced and ultimate union. With this energy that is now part of the relationship you can have the relationship of your dreams and together you can become everything that you have ever dreamed of being and so much more. The energy of this card depicts a love that is so deep that once you have committed to it nothing can come between you an your partner.

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Relationship Energy – Saturday October 7, 2017 -The Hermit

Relationship Energy - Saturday October 7, 2017 -The Hermit

The energy of this card indicate the possibilities of a new beginning in your love life. It is about letting go of baggage and emotional attachments that you have out grown. In a relationship you may feel the need to detach from the world because only then does things seem to come together with you and your significant other. As enticing as that may be unless you are happy living away from everything you must find a way to keep the connections between you going in the everyday world. You may think that the magic in the relationship evaporate when you are dealing with day to day life but it does not. The energy of this card denote two people with a relationship whose connection is so deep that you feel more like one person than two [twin souls perhaps]. The hermit indicates a partner who gives not just their heart to the relationship but they bring their soul to the relationship and is only interested in being in a deep meaningful relationship. So if you are having difficulties in your relationship and this card indicate either you or your partner you will need to bring your heart, soul and integrity to the relationship in order for it to work. The beauty of this is the Hermit indicates a relationship that will grow stronger with each passing day.

If you are single then the energy of the card indicates a need to divest yourself of past emotional baggage. This card usually indicate a letting go of the old ways and seeking a deeper meaning. The hermit points to a need to connect to your self. This is the step that you must master to help you enter into a relationship with integrity.

Looking for more in-depth Tarot Guidance? Follow me on Patreon. Become a Patron by pledging $5 per month or more will get you readings, chat sessions and more.
