Weekly Relationship Awareness January 10, 2021 – January 16, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness January 10, 2021 - January 16, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

Your soul mate is already with you in spirit. Believe this and they will manifest physically.

Weekly Relationship Awareness January 3, 2021 – January 9, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness January 3, 2021 - January 9, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

Beware of what you are projecting, for the qualities you admire in one another are qualities you both possess. Equally so, the qualities you don’t like are also your own reflection.

Weekly Relationship Awareness December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Awareness

Stop focusing your energy on past events, for life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream imagine

General Relationship Reading August 2020 with Lady Dyanna


General Relationship Reading August 2020 with Lady Dyanna

It is possible that you and your significant other may disagree on a major point in your relationship. You may be finding as you each attempt to change each other’s mind that it is an effort in futility. Don’t despair, just back off, give yourself some space. When you stop pushing the situation can then resolve itself.

By taking the pressure of it allows things to move forward again. All things now seem possible. You and your significant other may decide to make some positive changes in your relationship. If you are not already living together you may begin talking about taking that step.

If you and your significant other are still looking at a problem and seeing a major difference in how you wish to solve it you will need to decide how important it is to have it your way. The good news is if the two of you manage to stick together, you may find a depth of love for each other than you did not know was there.

The focus is on domestic bliss and true love as you move further into August.  You give attention to your relationship, emotional connections, and home life are blessed. Take this time to be grateful for all the love in your life. If you are single it dawns on you that the person you have been spending your time with is the one you have been looking for.

Even though things improved they hit a rough patch again and you find that you need to step back and really take stock and determine what you can live with and what you cannot abide. Then bring everything into perspective and move forward.

Fortunately, the end of the month brings a lessening of tension. You and your significant other do concur on something that you have both thought about for some time. The dreams you share are your tightest bond the glue that holds you together when the relationship is otherwise bumpy and uncertain.  It may be a while before the dream becomes a reality and despite bumps, the journey proves to be awesome.




Relationship Energy – Monday, December 9, 2019 – Page of Wands – Reading by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Monday, December 9, 2019 – Page of Wands – Reading by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the Page of Wand indicates that the person you are dealing with enjoys creating or attracting drama into the relationship. There may be karmic lessons that need to be resolved which will define and explain their behavior. The energy of this card indicates a need to learn a better way to communicate and to release limiting beliefs and ideals. This change can be facilitated by undertaking major spiritual growth, but be aware that your partner will challenge you. The challenging will only help you grow faster.

The energy of the Page of Wands if you are single indicates a new relationship that is exactly what you want enters your life and it has all the things you are seeking fun, excitement, and fulfillment. You and your significant other share common interest and may even work together.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Daily Relationship Energy Reading

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Oracle Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on September 26, 2019

Shadowscapes Tarot