Weekly Relationship Energy – July 22 -July 28, 2019 by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Relationship Energy – July 22 -July 28, 2019 by Lady Dyanna

This weeks relationship energy ask that you look at what you are bringing to the relationship. If you are bringing negative thoughts about yourself, your life, or comparing your current relationship to your previous relationship it is likely that you are already creating an unhealthy environment in the relationship.

If you do not like yourself it makes it very easy for others to not like you as well. If you are always putting your self down and instead of giving your self positive pep talks you talk negatively about yourself it should not surprise you when other people give you less than favorable views of yourself. After all, you have set the pattern for how the world responds to you. Treat yourself well! Continue Reading here:

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Lady Dyanna


Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year,  wishing every one a blessed and Prosperous 2014

Miscellaneous New Year Comments
Magickal Graphics
This New Year if you make no other Resolution think about resolving to be aware of your thoughts. Your thoughts create your world. Make sure that your New Years Resolution include paying attention to your thoughts about your self, your life, your abilities, your thoughts should only be ones that you do not mind sharing your world with. If your have made resolutions in the past and have not kept them that is not the end of the world. However if you are planning to make resolutions this New Year of 2014, give them some thought as to how doable are they really. We all have big things we would like to accomplish and that is great, just like every journey begins with one step, accomplishing great things begin with one step. If your resolution is to lose weight, find love, resolve the issue that keep you and your twin flame apart, then start with one small step. First set a goal that you can accomplish in a short period of time. Lose 5 lbs in 2 months, find love; date those people that you feel a connection to, or you have things in common with, she or he may be very attractive but if you have nothing to talk about, no common ground to connect on. you are probably not going to fall in love with each other. Resolving issue that come between you and your twin flame this year, look for ways to communicate either physically or soul to soul, begin there, no recrimination, or harboring negative feelings about past issues make these your first steps, both of which is easily accomplished with a bit of positive thought and focus on your and his/her true self during meditation or quiet contemplation. Small step to being the New Year will lead to accomplishment that can Help you make your resolutions work and keep you positive as you achieve big thins in 2014.

Samhain 2013-Releasing the Old way of Thinking

Samhain Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Samhain has many activities that you can do to enjoy the season. Look back over your year, honor your ancestors,get together with family and friends. But there is one activity that we can all practice on Samhain and that is releasing the old. The old thought process that holds you in old patterns and reactions. I bet you have changed a lot during the year you have grown spiritually and made huge strides in understanding your inner being. You have begun to accept that you are the key to your own happiness. You are understanding that the twin flame/twin soul relationship is about more than meeting someone and starting a physical relationship. You are making progress in bringing your true self forward and understanding how to communicate with your twin soul to keep the relationship moving in a positive direction. Bravo I am proud of you and the progress you are making. But wait the negative thoughts pop up and you do not instantly release them you allow them to lead you into a negative reaction or response. Well Samhain is a time for releasing the old so let see if there is a way to release old thought patterns or at least transform them to positive responses. When I was a little girl my mother use to say if you can not say something nice do not say anything at all. Well I have applied that in a way to thoughts. If you do not have a positive thought about the situation, person etc. then do not indulge in any thoughts on the matter at all.That will take a bit of practice but Samhain is as good a time as any to begin. Try this:”Every thought I am now thinking is a reminder to my conscious mind to transform negativity to positive which fills my mind with the wisdom and awareness that flows from my higher mind now”. This should help to train your mind to positive thoughts so that you begin seeing more positive results in your life. It is easy to undo personal hard work with just a few negative thoughts. Wishing you a blessed Samhain.

Lady Dyanna  a Spiritual Life Coach, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Relationship Counselor