
Is it more important that your friends and family approve of the decision that you make in your twin soul relationship, or that the decisions that you make resonate with you and your soul? I ask that because sometimes the hardest decision we make is whether to please family and friends or ourselves. There is a fear that if we go against the majority consensus and things not work they will say “I told you so” or not be supportive. How many chances to be happy or to achieve something that is really important to us are lost that way?

Are you willing to let your spiritual journey with your twin soul be handled that way? From where I stand it is more important that the choices I make resonate with my soul and my twin souls’ soul than with any one individual or group of  individuals. It is in this relationship that the majority is not always right. It is in this relationship that the majority should not rule unless it is the souls who are considered the majority. Can you hear the choices of the soul over the opinions of family and friends running through your mind? If not this would be the time I advocate clearing your mind of clutter. It would be a wise thing to release all that does not belong to your soul at this point. Because if you make a choice based on the consensus you will find that later no one “told you to give up on the relationship” they just suggested it was not “right” for you. Sometimes the only thing not “right” for you is other people’s opinions of what is right for you.

Does your Confidant Have a Twin Soul?

Sharing details of your twin soul relationship a good idea?

Does the person that you share every up and down, every positive or negative event in your twin soul relationship have a twin soul?  You may be thinking why is that important? Let me ask you another question would you take advice on how to rear your child from someone that has no children and clearly do not understand children or even like them? Probably not. But you will take advice from a “friend” who does not have a twin soul or from someone who say they have a twin soul but have “decided” not to pursue the relationship. Sharing information with either of the above can have an interesting effect. What might be a major breakthrough in the relationship may be treated as a figment of your imagination or as wishful thinking on your part. This then turns what should be positive to doubt and uncertainty on your part. Unfortunately it is your views of the relationship that determines whether it works or not. Whether it manifests or not is determined by you and your connection to the only ones who should be involved in the relationship and that is the souls. Interpretations of events in the relationship is best sorted by your inner advisors or someone who has the experience of  working with and  making progress in their own twin flame/twin soul relationship. When you are introduced to your twin soul/ twin flame it is the souls way of saying it is time to begin a new spiritual journey, it may take you away from all that is familiar, that is a choice you must make. However make no mistake about the fact that it is your journey. It does not belong to your friends or your family. It belongs to you and your soul and your twin souls’ soul, as you make progress it will begin to include your twin souls’ physical form. The more advanced your progress on the journey the more people will join you, some seeking advice, some seeking a like minded companion, some seeking to derail what they do not understand or approve of. If you are confident in your relationship and not seeking validation from others these added people will be no problem. However at the stage where you are still uncertain, your most helpful input will come from within you, from your spiritual companions [his/her soul and yours], not your physical ones. The next time you think to confide something that is clearly part of your twin flame/twin soul journey ask your self will talking about this bring  positive relationship affirming results?

Twin Flame Twin Soul Relationships

Twin Flame Twin Soul  relationships have a spiritual beginning

First of all if your ego is the first thing that enters the conversation/relationship with you twin soul you lose. If your pride and your ego enter the conversation or the relationship it is done.  Twin flame relationships serve the purpose of elevating the participant to the highest spiritual  level that can be achieved. Thru a twin soul relationship you may achieve Nirvana. Problem is most people try to get there by a twin body relationship which includes egos, pride and props. Too bad they work for your ordinary short term relationships but get no where fast in a twin soul relationship. The twin soul relationship is a relationship that began in the spiritual realm of the soul and is introduced to the physical realm not to tease or to torture. but to show you what is achievable by connecting spiritually to another being. Because all things must be created on the spiritual/astral/higher plane  before it manifest in your life the twin soul  relationship becomes a true challenge for us. Because we do not truly realize that we are creating most of the time with our thoughts good, bad or  indifferent we begin the creation process in our lives with out us being aware that we are creating.  The twin flame relationship requires us to be completely aware of the spiritual side of our lives it can not be addressed in the hit and miss fashion that most of our lives are treated to.. When you learn to focus on a event in the spiritual you realize that you have more control than you think over your life. The key is that spiritual focus connects you to the soul the author of your fantastic relationship also the one with the inside knowledge on manifesting your life in a positive manner. It then becomes like having the key to the front door of the bank and the combination to the vault and the legal right to use both as you desire. Unfortunately in this exclusive relationship between twin souls  these guys, egos, pride and relationship props are not welcome. Just as thieves are not welcome in the bank vault. They have an uncanny way of destroying all that we have worked so hard for.  Sometimes we just have to grit our teeth and say “yes this is really annoying” but I am going to let it pass with out comment mentally or physically. Learning to do that helps remove the events that make you feel that way. If you can’t do that events that make you feel that way continue they play directly to you ego, pride and need for relationship props.. Important to remind yourself when interacting with your twin soul that all you truly need to be happy is love if you have that  everything else will follow… Even the relationship coming to fruition. It is where you focus  that creates what you get in life. I have found that a body to body connection in a twin soul relationship is not very fulfilling, but a soul to soul connection well that rocks. But you can only achieve that if you look to the soul/spiritual aspect of the relationship to create the physical aspect. Can’t create it from the physical inward that my friends don’t work either.

How do you achieve this connection spiritually without spending every minute thinking about it because obviously you can not do that. Ladies you do it the same way  you apply your make up, you do it before you walk out the door you take a moment and place your daily interaction in a positive though pattern.. Gentlemen you do the same . If we are going to meet our twin flames/twin souls after a long day  ladies you refresh your makeup before you go out gentlemen you take care of the 5 o’clock shadow before you go out right?  Then refresh your positive approach to to the events of the evening..take nothing for granted always prepare with a positive mind set and reinforce that as often as necessary. For those of you who want to leave nothing to chance think of it this way it is the souls relationship so the souls will be done in the handling of the relationship..they have got to know more about what is going on than the body because it has been their relationship more lifetimes than the years you have lived in this body. It isn’t their first relationship it is your first twin soul relationship.