Relationship Energy – 9 of Cups – Saturday,November 16, 2019 – Readings by Lady Dyanna

Tarot for Today – 9 of Cups – Saturday,November 16, 2019 – Tarot by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the 9 of Cups in a relationship indicates an assured future, satisfaction, contentment and physical well being. This card indicates if there have been difficulties they are now behind you. You are entering a time of emotional stability which is exactly what you want to hear if you are in a relationship. Inner security which radiates a general aura of goodwill, generosity of spirits and feelings of well being fills your relationship.

If you are single the energy of the 0 of Cups could indicate that you are where you want to be. That you are okay with being single and is not seeking a partner at this time. It could also indicate it is just wonderful to sit back and revel in the knowledge that all is right with your world.

Weekly Relationship Energy


Daily Tarot

Daily Relationship Energy Reading

Thought for the Week

Seasonal Quotes and Photos

Daily Crystal Oracle Reading

Spiritual Life Coaching, Twin Flame/Twin Soul Guidance/Tarot Reading

This card was last seen on September 6, 2019.

Tarot of the Aquarius Era

Tarot for Today – 9 of Cups – Friday,September 6, 2019 – Tarot by Lady Dyanna

Tarot for Today – 9 of Cups – Friday,September 6, 2019 – Tarot by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the 9 of Cups in a relationship indicates your relationship is good on all levels. You can expect things to only get better between you and your SO. If you were hoping for a deeper commitment the energy around you and your SO indicates that is possible for you now. Expect things to continue to improve within your relationship.

If you are single the 9 of Cups indicates you are comfortable in your single status, but it is still a great time to meet new people. Past experiences have helped you mature in a way that will be a great benefit in a new relationship.

You can find me here:,

Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen on July 16, 2019.

Crystal Vision Tarot

Relationship Energy – Tuesday, July 16, 2019 – 9 of Cups – Readings by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Tuesday, July 16, 2019 – 9 of Cups-Reading by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the 9 of Cups in a relationship reading indicates the deepening of commitment in your current relationship. This relationship fulfills you and gives you what you need. This relationship indicates a connection on all levels between you and your SO. The attention that you give your SO makes them feel you are bringing joy to their life.

The energy of the 9 of Cups in a reading if you are single indicates you are happy with your single status. Yet you are getting what you want and feeling very good about your self.

You can find me here:,

Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen on June 21, 2019.

Modern Pagan Tarot

Relationship Energy – Friday, June 21, 2019 – 9 of Cups Reading by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy – Friday, June 21, 2019 – 9 of Cups Reading by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the 9 of Cups today indicates that you are likely to be feeling very good or is going to be feeling good very soon. If you have a wish you are advised to spend some time visualizing what you want to help you take steps towards making your dream a reality.

If the 9 of Cups come up in a relationship reading it indicates a love that is deeply satisfying between you and your SO. This card indicates that you are getting what you want and is happy about it.

If you are single the 9 of Cups indicates that you are happy single.

You can find me here:,

Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen February 18, 2019

Wizards Tarot

Relationship Energy – Monday, February 18, 2019 – 9 of Cups


Relationship Energy – Monday, February 18, 2019 – 9 of CupsThe energy of the 9 of cups indicates whatever you have been working towards it is coming into being. The 9 of cups is not called the wish card for nothing. It appears to grant wishes but only if you have put the work and focus in to achieve what you wish for. The energy of this card also reminds you that you must be sure you know what you really want and to accept the responsibilities that go with your wish. Enjoy your good fortune if that is the case.

In a relationship, the 9 of Cups signifies a love that is deeply satisfying. Passion, pleasure and or the deepening of commitment in an existing relationship fulfill you. You get what you want and are happy with it.

If you are single the energy of this card could indicate that you are where you want to be. That you are okay with being single and is not seeking a partner at this time

You can find me here:,

Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen on January 14, 2019.

Universal Goddess Tarot