Beltane Blessings

Beltane Blessings

One of the animals associated with Beltane is the swan. The magical meaning of the swan is love, union, and partnership: swans mate for life. Just as the Goddess and God join in union on Beltane, swans reflect this eternal commitment in their own union. Swans also represent loyalty, fidelity, and faithfulness, reflecting the joining of Mother Earth and Father Sun when the sun is released from its bondage of winter and able to rule over summer and life once again. Swan symbolism includes grace, power, inner beauty, elegance, purity and balance.

Beltane Blessings


Prithee, smite the poet in the eye when he would sing to you praises of the month
of May. It is a month presided over by the spirits of mischief and madness. Pixies
and flibbertigibbets haunt the budding woods: Puck and his train of midgets are
busy in town and country.

In May, nature holds up at us a chiding finger, bidding us remember that we are
not gods, but over-conceited members of her own great family. She reminds us
that we are brothers to the chowder-doomed clam and the donkey; lineal scions
of the pansy and the chimpanzee, and but cousins-german to the cooing doves,
the quacking ducks and the housemaids and policemen in the parks.
– O’ Henry, The Month of May