Weekly Relationship Energy April 9, 2018 - April 15, 2018

Weekly Relationship Energy April 9, 2018 – April 15, 2018

Weekly Relationship Energy April 9, 2018 - April 15, 2018

The relationship energy this week indicates that either you or your partner has been quite busy and have had very little time to focus on your relationship and each other. The best way to keep things moving even though your schedules are anything but cooperative is to pay attention to the small considerations in your relationship. Despite the seeming time crunch you are both operating under there is room for new experiences that will deepen your bond. Trying to push your partner into doing something that is not his or her way may cause some strife, especially if your partner is one who believes in traditional behavior, such as not taking a sick day unless truly sick. Take a moment to take stock of your situation. Is it really as bad as you think? After all, you like the fact that your partner has traditional values and ideals that are part of their appeal. Continue Reading.

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Lady Dyanna
