Relationship Energy - Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - 7 of Wands

Relationship Energy – Wednesday, June 27, 2018 – 7 of Wands

Relationship Energy - Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - 7 of Wands

The energy of the 7 of wands indicates feeling stifled in the relationship. There always seem to be something competing for you or your partners time and attention. This is just a phase you will come through it stronger and with a better idea of who you are. This will also give you a sense of who you want to spend your time and life with. This card may also indicate that you just want a yes or no answer to an issue that you and your significant other are involved in, however no matter what the answer there is a tug of war going on between your head and your heart.  Once you get your answer and follow your heart you will feel as if nothing can stop you.

If you are single this card indicate you may be feeling stifled in your single life. That is a result of the walls you are putting up. Even when you find someone there are rivals for their affections and the walls will not help you win them or end your single life. So take a stand and know that you have the ability to succeed against all opposition.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen on June 12, 2018

Shadowscapes Tarot