Relationship Energy - Thursday August 9, 2018 - King of Swords

Relationship Energy – Thursday August 9, 2018 – King of Swords

Relationship Energy - Thursday August 9, 2018 - King of Swords

The energy of the King of Swords indicates someone who has a tendency to be over cautious. Someone of independent judgment and an achiever.  They look to you to take the kind of action they might take. For example telling the truth, thinking up a solution, communicating well, judging fairly and advocating law and order. The energy of the King of Swords indicates someone who is dealing with life from a place of reason, honesty, and high standards.

In a relationship, this person may be someone who is very independent. Their bluntness can be mistaken for indifference. The key is to not respond emotionally but to give your self breathing room then explain why you object to the bluntness.   However, someone with this energy is unlikely to be very emotional or warm and cuddly.

If you are single this card indicates you are going to meet someone who is well educated and very self-confident.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen August 31, 2017
The Robin Wood Tarot