Relationship Energy - Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 7 of Swords

Relationship Energy – Saturday, August 25, 2018 – 7 of Swords

Relationship Energy - Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 7 of Swords

The 7 of Swords may indicate a lack of trust, hiding your true feelings, running away, or the need to face what has to be faced no matter how much you wish to avoid it.  The seven of swords warn you that if you feel a need to be alone or act alone be sure that this is really working for you. The 7 of Swords indicate caution in the face of opposition.  It could also mean a change of residence, job or both.

This 7 of Sword has some strong advice for you if you are single. This card indicates that your relationship choices are causal with little possibility of them becoming more.  This may stem from not having the courage to speak your truths.  This lack of courage could make it appear that you do not trust the other person resulting in a trust issue early in the relationship. Even though there is a desire to move the relationship forward your lack of courage keeps them at a distance. If you are sidestepping honest discussion in favor of small talk do not expect the relationship to move into anything more than it is right now. It is obvious you are hiding your true feelings. As long as you do no movement and no agreement is forthcoming. Attempt to open up and go forward in spite of fear. Do not be afraid to speak your truths this will help you determine whether the relationship really does have a chance.  Trust your judgments and intuition and believe that even though the situation may look intimidating you will know how to handle it.

If you are in a relationship the 7 of Swords indicates that you and your partner are very similar in your interest and prefer each other’s company. You often choose not to socialize much with others. Even though you are the best company for each other, make sure that the not socializing is working for you and not isolating you and your partner unnecessarily.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen July 25, 2018

The Robin Wood Tarot

