Relationship Energy - Wednesday September 5, 2018 - 6 of Wands

Relationship Energy – Wednesday September 5, 2018 – 6 of Wands

Relationship Energy - Wednesday September 5, 2018 - 6 of Wands

The energy of the 6 of Wands indicates a victory, winning, healthy self-esteem, receiving acclaim, honor, and rewards that are deserved. The victory represented by this card does not necessarily involve anyone else it can indicate triumph over your self, beating the odds.  This card can also indicate the arrival of fantastic good news, success and great public acclaim, hopefulness, and satisfaction in what has been achieved.  Victory and triumph is the hallmark of the 6 of Wands.

The energy of the 6 of Wands indicates that if you are in a relationship your significant other will see your side of things in a disagreement. A deeper understanding result from your exchange. You now know when to keep your own counsel, when to speak up and when to back off. You can count on being adored by your partner, that does not mean take them for granted it does mean that you have won the person of your dreams and can now embark on a happily ever after with them.

If you are single the energy of this card indicates that you will soon have success in your love life. That means you win the man or woman of your dreams it is as simple as that.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen November 15, 2017.

Mystical Cat Tarot