Relationship Energy - Thursday September 13, 2018 - Ace of Swords

Relationship Energy – Thursday September 13, 2018 – Ace of Swords

Relationship Energy - Thursday September 13, 2018 - Ace of Swords

The energy of the Ace of Swords indicates that you have the inner resources to overcome all obstacles and find the truth of your situation.  The energy of the Ace of Swords tell you to think about your problems objectively, face your challenges with courage, honesty and firm resolve, You are reminded that in every challenge there is an opportunity.

The energy of the Ace of Swords indicates that the strong interest here is communication and an intellectual connection with one’s partner. Extreme emotions are also a hallmark of the Ace of Swords. So be prepared for a sudden romance or an extremely passionate encounter. The flip side of that is a previously warm relationship suddenly cool down. However with all the romance and passion that this card indicates it also indicates someone who may cut ties if they feel their freedom threatened. The energy with this card indicate extremes in relationships and emotions.

This card also indicates strong intellectual energy, therefore, you find that you are able to think and communicate differently which help you resolve problems and acquire new ideas and beliefs. This helps you cut through illusion and peel away the layers that were previously impenetrable and get to the core of the truth in whatever situation you are dealing with.

If you are single this card indicates that you will meet someone you are very compatible with intellectually.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen April 1, 2018