Relationship Energy - Friday, October 5,2018 - 6 of Swords

Relationship Energy – Friday, October 5,2018 – 6 of Swords

Relationship Energy - Friday, October 5,2018 - 6 of Swords

The 6 of Swords indicates gradual change, movement or travel away from difficulty. This is probably a welcome card after the 10 of Swords. This card indicates the solution of current problems, obstacles that are overcome. The 6 of Swords indicate journeys of all types it could be an actual physical move that takes you away from a less than pleasant situation. It could also indicate an inner journey as we begin to heal and move from one frame of mind to another or one spiritual level to the next. Whatever the past events this card indicate changes in the air and new more hopeful conditions ahead.

The six of swords in a relationship reading indicates that you are moving away from difficult times in your relationship. Those times may have been painful family occurrences such as illness, financial distress, or any number of things that can disrupt a relationship. This card indicates that you have weathered the difficulties and better times are ahead. Gradual but positive changes are occurring and moving you away from the problems and back to a smoother and calmer relationship. Even though things are progressing you may still feel as if things are not quite right yet. That is why this card is about moving away, it does not indicate that you are there yet. A change of venue might help you and your partner recover the equilibrium in your relationship a bit faster, If that is not possible be comforted with the awareness that things are changing for you and your relationship.

If you are single and have had some difficulties in a previous relationship, this means that you are finally getting over the heartbreak and moving to a better place within your self.

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Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen July 31, 2018

Witches Tarot