Relationship Energy - Tuesday October 16, 2018 - 9 of Wands

Relationship Energy – Tuesday October 16, 2018 – 9 of Wands

Relationship Energy - Tuesday October 16, 2018 - 9 of Wands

The energy of the 9 of Wands indicates you are in an unassailable position. Any opposition will be defeated. However, this energy also indicates the need to keep a watchful eye because there is the possibility that you could get hurt. If you have been hurt then you know what this is like. You are in a powerful position now but that does not negate the past hurt and the need to be constantly aware of any chance of that happening again.  However, this energy call for awareness, not bitterness, the experience may have wounded you but it also strengthened you.

The energy of the 9 of Wands in a relationship indicates a need to look closely at your relationship and determine if you and your significant other desire the same things from life and the relationship. If you do not then you need to evaluate your expectations for the relationship and determine what you can and can not live with. If you do have the same or similar goals then prepare to defend your personal patterns-what you know to be true. Using that as a foundation decide what you desire to see in the relationship.

If you are single the energy of this card indicates that you are a hard worker, strong, and of good character which makes you very attractive to those seeking a relationship. However, you will need to spend some time working on yourself to prepare you for dealing with a relationship where the person may lean on you more than normal.

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Lady Dyanna

This card was last seen May 1, 2018

Spiritsong Tarot