Relationship Energy Thursday, January 10, 2019 – 7 of Pentacles

Relationship Energy Thursday, January 10, 2019 – 7 of Pentacles

Relationship Energy Thursday, January 10, 2019 – 7 of Pentacles

The energy of the 7 of Pentacles indicate that you may be at a crossroad. In life, there is the tendency to continue with familiar routines. The 7 of Pentacles reminds you that to go in a new direction may not be easy but you need to figure out if you need a course correction. You need to take the time to make sure you are meeting your goals. If not you may need to consider a complete about face to do so.

In your relationship the 7 of Pentacles indicates that you may feel that the relationship has stalled, it feels stagnant to you. This could be true but remember that relationships take work to keep them fresh. If things were just swinging along smoothly and you did nothing to make sure that continued now is the time to evaluate what is required to move thing into a positive direction again. Do not look to your partner to come up with the ideas for change you want to see in your relationship choose what you want to see in your relationship and implement it. The time that you use to evaluate your relationship is just as important as the changes you are preparing to make. The evaluation allows you to look at when and how things changed and how to prevent your relationship from sliding into stagnation again

If you are single and seeking a relationship it is time for you to evaluate why you are still single and what you need to change to prepare your self for a relationship. Now take the necessary step to change your beliefs, outlook or even the places you go to seek companionship. Change may be slow but it will indeed pay off for you.

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Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen October 27, 2018.

The Steampunk Tarot