Relationship Energy - Sunday, January 13, 2019 - 8 of Pentacles

Relationship Energy – Sunday, January 13, 2019 – 8 of Pentacles

Relationship Energy - Sunday, January 13, 2019 - 8 of Pentacles

The energy of the 8 of Pentacles indicates that for one to enjoy lasting success their efforts should be continuous and not halted prematurely. This card reminds you that sometimes you need to just buckle down and do what needs doing. If you have the impulse to learn the energy of the 8 of Pentacle indicates now is the time to broaden your horizons.

The 8 of Pentacles indicates a need to pay attention to the small considerations which enhance a relationship. The energy of the eight of pentacles calls for new experiences that deepen your bond with your partner. Even though you have been in your relationship for a while you need to introduce new idea and experiences, try new things to keep the relationship fresh and the connection between you and your partner vibrant and alive. Attend to the details in your union with love and attention to details but do not let perfectionism intrude.

If you are single this card indicates that you need to attend that workshop or conference you may meet the person of your dreams while there. While you are at the workshop or conference think only of the reason you are there this will lead to pleasant and productive encounters.

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Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen October 6, 2018.

The Celtic Dragon Tarot