Relationship Energy –Sunday, June 23, 2019– 4 of Cups

Relationship Energy –Sunday, June 23, 2019– 4 of Cups – Reading by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy –Sunday, June 23, 2019– 4 of Cups

The energy of the 4 of Cups indicates today that if you have taken time out to contemplate a situation pay close attention to your dreams and the subtle signs around you. The key to this card is to remember that the answers and inspiration you need is available to you.

The 4 of Cups in a relationship reading indicates that you are not giving your partner any attention, you are feeling apathetic towards the relationship. This card reminds you to take a look at why you are feeling apathy, have a heart to heart with your SO if you feel it is a problem they can help you resolve. Otherwise, it is time to do some soul searching to find the cause of the distance you are creating in your relationship.

The 4 of Cups in a reading, if you are single, indicates that you are still without someone because you are not paying attention to what is on offer.  Take a moment for self-reflection to get your perspective back.

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Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen on May 12, 2019.

Crystal Vision Tarot