Relationship Energy –Tuesday, October 1, 2019– 4 of Cups – Reading by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy –Tuesday, October 1, 2019– 4 of Cups – Reading by Lady Dyanna

Relationship Energy –Tuesday, October 1, 2019– 4 of Cups – Reading by Lady Dyanna

The energy of the 4 of Cups in a reading indicates you may be putting distance between you and your SO. If the situation between you have reached a point where you are feeling unable to continue it may be time for a heart to heart. If you feel that you just need time to regroup then take that time now and sort yourself out as withdrawing from your SO is not helping your relationship.  So take some time to meditate, have a spa day, have some “me time”. The answers you need are available to you but do not become so absorbed in apathy that you do not see the emotional opportunities available, or the damage that kind of energy can do to a relationship.

If you are single the 4 of Cups indicate that you are not paying attention to what is right in front of you. You have made up your mind to withdraw from the pursuit of a relationship because you feel there is nothing out there for you.  Take some time for self-reflection and to think clearly about what you are seeking in a relationship.  With a clear focus on what you desire you will be able to return with more interest and see what is right there in front of you.

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Lady Dyanna


This card was last seen on June 23, 2019

Everyday Witch Tarot